We do not do any type of fundraisers that require our students to go door-to-door selling. However, we do have a few ways that you can help the Academy raise needed funds.
Box Tops for Education:
The Academy receives 10 cents cash for each label turned into the school. The Academy will earn bonus points if you click on the link below and register. You can also print valuable coupons for products which have box tops on them. 
Scrip Gift Cards:
When you purchase gift cards through the Academy for things that you would normally buy (gas, local restaurants, clothing, office supplies, etc.) You not only get the full amount of the gift card; but the Academy receives a percentage for each card purchased. The percentage varies by card. On the order form, the number in parentheses beside the store name is the amount that the Academy receives. You can go to the link below to view and print the order form. Then, just send it to the Academy with your payment. Orders turned in by Monday morning will be ordered and the gift cards will returned to you on Wednesday. Easy! WALMART HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE SCRIP PROGRAM! YOU CAN PURCHASE GIFT CARDS FOR GAS, FOOD, CLOTHES, OR BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES!
If you feel led of the Lord, you may send a tax deductible donation to the Academy. Simply include a note with your cash or check that it is a donation for the Academy.